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Da die Sonne so schön schien, dachte sich Gregor von der Frühschicht, wir gehen anbaden. Zusammen mit Zwangspraktikant Oleander ging es los zum Badesee. Anschließend, das Wetter

Ukraine with Russian or EU?

Ukraine hopes to sign key agreements with the European Union in November, including one on free trade.But this can influence its relation with Russia,as Russian President V.Putin turns up the pressure on his neighbour country.For the last month, Russia has blocked imports of ukrainians goods, saying the quality is not up to scratch. But what is behind the scene?and what will choose Ukraine in the end? if U know Russian,here U can hear my own suggestions concerning this topic.

Greve geral no Brasil - primeiros comentarios

Luiz Claudio Lopes da Silva (Caritas Brasileira) e Fernanda Cruz (ASA) comentan o greve geral convocado pra hoje dia 28 de avril no Brasil.

[fnf08] english summaries part 3

die english summaries von 17 Uhr

[fnf08] english summaries part 4

Matthew mit den stündlichen Zusammenfassungen auf englisch, diesmal 18:30

Interview mit AKW-Bauplatzvesetzer in Hinkley, UK

Hinkleyreoccupation In the last week anti-nuclear activists have squated the construction site of a planed nuclear power plant in Hinkley, UK. The plant nuclear power station is a joint venture between the french companies Areva and EDF as with the british Rolls Royce. We talked with Theo Simon, one of the activists of the site: At the 10. and 11. of March they are mobilising for a mass-blocade in Hinkley More Information:

Drone Warfare - Drohnenkrieg

Vortrag der US-amerikanischen Journalistin und Aktivistin Medea Benjamin über ihr Buch "Drone Warefare - Killing by Remote Control" - Drohnenkrieg, Krieg aus heiterem Himmel, Morden per Fernbedienung. Medea Benjamin, Gründungsmitglied der antimilitarischen Organisation "Code Pink" engagiert sich seit 2009 gegen den Drohnenkrieg Englisch mit deutscher Zusammenfassung und Übersetzung, Beitrag aus der monatlichen Sendung ...

Dirty Wars - Dirty Wars

Vortrag des US-amerikanischen Autors Jeremy Scahill über sein Buch Dirty Wars. Der gleichnamige Film lief vor kurzer Zeit in der ARD. Thema ist der amerikanische Drohnenkrieg Zitat Scahill:Wir versuchen, uns zum Frieden hinzu töten. Und die Zahl der Schlachtfelder, auf denen wir das tun, wächst stetig. Vortrag in englischer Sprache mit deutscher Zusammenfassung und Übersetzung Monatlich ausgestrahlte Sendung des Munich-American-Peace-Committee ...

Kicking People When They're Down - Fußtritte für die da unten

Vortrag der feministischen US- amerikanischen Journalistin und Aktivistin Barbara Ehrenreich über Armut in den USA. Ähnlich wir Günter Wallraff schlüpft sie in andere Rollen, hier in die einer ungelernten Arbeitslosen, Gelegenheitsarbeiterin, relativ mittellos. Sie erlebt, welche Jobs man angeboten bekommt, welche Wohnmöglichkeiten man hat und vieles mehr, was man so nicht in den USA vermutet. Der Vortrag ist in englisch gehalten , vor ...

WE ARE HERE - a radioshow by Black-Rose about NSU- complex

) WE ARE HERE is a radioshow being broadcasted every 2 weeks on mondays on Coloradio (99.3 / 98.4) at 8pm. We are here, a radiowhow where we discuss racism, politics and migration, here and everywhere. Today we talk about the NSU- complex.

WE ARE HERE - a radioshow by Black-Rose about elections in Germany

WE ARE HERE is a radioshow being broadcasted every 2 weeks on mondays on Coloradio (99.3 / 98.4) at 8pm. We are here, a radiowhow where we discuss racism, politics and migration, here and everywhere. Elections are a crucial part of parliamentarism and democracy in Germany. Nevertheless about 10 million people in Germany are not allowed to vote. We give a comment on voting and the election campaign in perspective of racism and exclusion and ...

WE ARE HERE - a radioshow by Black-Rose on Deportation

WE ARE HERE is a radioshow being broadcasted every 2 weeks on mondays on Coloradio (99.3 / 98.4) at 8pm. We are here, a radiowhow where we discuss racism, politics and migration, here and everywhere. On the 18th of September an Armenian family was spilt for the reason of deportation, after 11 years of living in Germany. The Father and 2 sons were brought to Armenia, while the mother is in hospital and the daughter missing. In this show we ...

WE ARE HERE - a radioshow by Black-Rose on repression in Minsk

WE ARE HERE is a radioshow being broadcasted every 2. and 4. monday on Coloradio (99.3 / 98.4) at 8pm. We are here, a radiowhow where we discuss racism, politics and migration, here and everywhere. Today we talk about repression under the authoritarian regime in Belarus towards activists in Minsk. In spring this year, the so called “parasite law” brought people on the streets. Open protest was supressed, while repression by the police ...

WE ARE HERE - a radioshow by Black-Rose on independance movements

WE ARE HERE is a radioshow being broadcasted every 2. and 4. monday on Coloradio (99.3 / 98.4) at 8pm. We are here, a radiowhow where we discuss racism, politics and migration, here and everywhere. For actual developements in catalonia we talk about independence movements. We have an interview with a person from spain, who will give us an overview about what is actually going on there. But catalonia is not the only region striving ...

Zur Situation von Aktivistinnen in Saudi Arabien

Kommentar auf Englisch und Deutsch: On 2018, 24 June, Saudi arabia had left the Ban on women driving. Few weeks before that, Saudi government arrested 18 women's rights activists. Those women didn't have the right to demonstrat in public space asking for their rights so they lunched a campain on the soical media by tweeting under hashtag #StopMalegrandship #StopinslavingSaudiwomen #womentodrive Those activist in Saudi arabia ...

Elephant in the room - March 2019

In this show we talked about the link of the new zealand terrorist attacks and its connection to the preppers of far right german army network. We also discused the planned upload filter of the EU and the interest of lobbyist and politicians to implement it. As last week was the anniversary of the paris commune, we gave a little review of the circumstances. Music: ...

One tree does not live alone in the forest

The leaked meeting of rightwing politicions and neonazis in Potsdam has changed the political landscape in germany in some small part. The current street protests aim at fighting back against racist sentiments and racist policies that could lead to mass deportations once again, if not stopped. This is a threat from the right against migrants in germany, that they hear quite clearly. Alex, a refugee living in germany currently gaveus his insights ...

ABLODE DU 19- 12-05

ALODE ist eine Sendung von Togo Diaspora in Deutchland. Die Sendung ist gegen Diktatur in unserem Heimatland,TOGO.

"Ich BIN die Kolonisierung" - Autor Ryad Assani-Razaki

Bilingue / Zweisprachig deutsch / français Der in Benin geborene Autor Ryad Assani-Razaki war vergangenen Donnerstag zu Gast im Centre Culturel Français und las in seinem Roman »La Main d‘Iman«. Darin erzählt er in recht schonungsloser und direkter Art von Gewalt und Hoffnung, von Freundschaft und Verrat. Und er zeigt, warum Menschen bereit sind, alles hinter sich zu lassen und ihr Leben einem Boot zu überantworten – mit Kurs auf Europa... Nach der Lesung gab ...