WE ARE HERE On repression in Russia - a radioshow by Black-Rose

ID 87943
WE ARE HERE is a radioshow
being broadcasted every 2. and 4. monday
on Coloradio (99.3 / 98.4) at 8pm.

We are here, a radiowhow where we discuss racism, politics and
migration, here and everywhere.

This year russia will have presidential election and the football
championship, two big events which are connected with power and the
maintenance of those. Putin wanna be president again and football was
and is a good tool to keep people pacified.
Russia could prove already last year how open minded it is in our days.
Alexei Smertin, the Russian Football Union official and a World Cup
ambassador, said in 2017 spectators won't be affected by a Russian law
prohibiting "propaganda" of homosexuality to minors. "There will
definitely be no ban on wearing rainbow symbols in Russia,"
Smertin even said at a news conference in Moscow to discuss race and
discrimination issues in football. The daily live for the LGBTIQ
community in russia for sure looks different.
While Russia prepares a good image for the international audience it is
using both events for a huge repression wave against anarchist and
antifascist - and of course with the argument of Terrorism.
Several people were tortured and are now in prison under charges of

59:15 min, 65 MB, mp3
mp3, 154 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 10.03.2018 / 18:37

Dateizugriffe: 2129


Beitragsart: Reportage
Sprache: english
Redaktionsbereich: Politik/Info, in anderen Sprachen, Internationales
Serie: WE ARE HERE - a radioshow by Black-Rose

AutorInnen: Black-Rose on Coloradio
Radio: coloradio, Dresden im www
Produktionsdatum: 10.03.2018
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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